ChromaticSoul :: The Blog

Archive for January 2009

Lighting Mods has a review of Polaroid–software that you can download for free and make any photo look like a polaroid. It works with Windows or Mac. Check it out and give it a try.

Photoinduced is known for their great weekly giveaways. But even if you don’t win something, I suggest you check the site out and sign up on their mailing list. By doing so you will get introduced to and become more familiar with a myriad of equipment for the persnikety photographer.

This week’s contest included the following:

OK, let’s help you with some gear that you will use all the time.

For years, we’ve been looking for the sweetest battery charger for our cameras that would be small and give us a better idea on charging status that the status light on or off.
One we can easily use around the world, with maybe just a plug adapter, and no transformer. And charge more than one battery at a time.

products headers-dual-charger 1
Well, we started to use the Delkin Dual Universal Battery Charger on our past few trips and it was perfect.
The size was just right, as there was no wasted space on this unit. It is a 2 sided charger, with the ability to charge a different manufacturers battery on each side . Just by switching out single battery plate. [via Photoinduced]

Read the rest of the article. They have more photos.


Listen up. Photojojo has an article on fun photography projects for kids. I for one believe we’re all kids at heart so take a look and then have some fun.


Phosita explains this very succintly and very clearly.

Considering how complex intellectual property law can be, it is understandable that many people – including authors, journalists, biz and tech bloggers, tweeple, etc. – confuse the terms and oftentimes speak/write of “patenting a book” or “copywriting a new gadget”.  I also receive a large number of requests asking for advice on how to “copyright an idea” – so, I thought it would be helpful to lay out a short and concise explanation of each area of intellectual property law. [via Phosita]

A must read for anyone considering protecting their intellectual property.

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  • thebail: Reblogged this on Underwater Ap
  • Veronica Lynne: Did you use it? It's RODEO time! That might make a good pic for the fb page to.
  • Veronica Lynne: Certainly. I am flattered. Just give credit--ChromaticSoul Photos. Also, I would love to see how you use it. The rodei is this weekend! Veronica Lynn