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Posts Tagged ‘book review

Jill Waterman, a photographer and educator based in NYC, has published a book called Night and Low Light Photography that helps explain it all. As told from the perspective of 30 different photographers, the book is laid out in a very easy to consume format with sections on Equipment, Lighting Techniques, Weather, Night time subjects, The Color of Night, and more.

A lot of the info comes at you in a page or two, so once you’ve gone through the basic overview sections, you can flip through and perhaps see what images catch your fancy. You’ll get the advice from a pro on achieving that look, in a straightforward manner.

There was an image from Chip Forelli, that we use as a screen saver, that is included and it was very cool to at least know how he shot it. [via Photoinduced]

Read the rest of the story to see the complete review.

Photography books. I love what David Auer says about the many out there:

Photography is such an expansive subject and it’s quite impossible to cover everything in a single book. Some books focus on very specific topics, but contain in-depth information. Other books are broad, but just skim the surface. Regardless of the style, many informational photography books drone on page after page, leaving the reader in a haze of technobabble and jargon. [via Epic Edits]

Yet there is hope. It appears that Tom Ang’s Fundamentals of Photography is at least worth it’s price.

I received a copy of the Fundamentals of Photography by Tom Ang, and I must admit that I was skeptical of the book before I opened it. I assumed it would be one of those “talk about everything” books with a very shallow offering of knowledge. I was wrong.

I don’t know how he did it, but Tom Ang managed to pack an incredible amount of information into this small handbook. Not only is the information valuable, it’s extremely concise and well laid out. The book would be great as a front-to-back read or as a reference book for the occasional information search. Oh, and it covers both film and digital photography! [via Epic Edits]

You can read the review here or get your hands on a copy–Fundamentals of Photography.

One of my favorite photographers is Annie Leibovitz. I’ve been a fam of Ms. Leibovitz for some time now. For anyone wondering what to get me for Christmas, other than the glass I mentioned yesterday, this is a good choice–Annie Leibovitz at Work. dPS has a review posted here.

Not your usual collection of photographic images, this is more than just a picture book. In it Leibovitz takes you through life as a photographer, what it means to her and the background of some of her famous, and some not so famous, photographs.

It can be fascinating to see one of her shots and read her descriptions of how it came to be: what went through her mind and why she decided to shoot it the way she did. We get to enter the mind of a great portrait photographer. Little bits of information sprinkled throughout the book, the importance of environment, how there is more latitude with digital color than film color (greens photograph too dark without appropriate light on film), the importance of natural light. Not too much technical information here. [via dPS]

Read the complete review or order Annie Leibovitz at Work.

ShutterFug recently posted comments on four good books. Check out the comments and then perhaps check out the books too. They are:

  1. The Moment It Clicks by Joe McNally
  2. Light, Science & Magic by Fil Hunter, Steven Biver and Paul Fuqua
  3. Best Business Practices For Photographers by John Harrington
  4. Lighting and The Dramatic Portrait by Michael Grecco

Now more than ever, it’s a good time to curl up with a blanket in front of the fire with a good book. Scott Kelby has a few good recommendations if you’re wondering what to read next.

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  • thebail: Reblogged this on Underwater Ap
  • Veronica Lynne: Did you use it? It's RODEO time! That might make a good pic for the fb page to.
  • Veronica Lynne: Certainly. I am flattered. Just give credit--ChromaticSoul Photos. Also, I would love to see how you use it. The rodei is this weekend! Veronica Lynn