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Archive for the ‘photo format’ Category

Lighting Mods has a review of Polaroid–software that you can download for free and make any photo look like a polaroid. It works with Windows or Mac. Check it out and give it a try.

Even Professional Photographers have either used or made their own pinhole cameras. It’s something feared and yet can be something so easy to make.

Welcome to!  This site includes the instructions for building a matchbox pinhole camera which first appreared on my blog in 2005.  I’ve re-written the instructions to hopefully make things clearer, if anything doesn’t make sense, please post in the new Matchbox Pinhole Forum.

Give it a try. I’m going to. Later we can share photos on both the Matchbox Pinhole Forum and here.


C’mon, admit it. You know you want to see some of your photos mounted and displayed but you don’t want to pay BIG money to have someone do it for you.

The answer my friend is to do it yourself. This not only is an inexpensive way to get the job done, but provides great personal satisfaction. It’s your art and you create the display yourself.

Here’s a link to an article that will walk you through the steps. Enjoy.

Photopreneur has done it again. For those who use DSLRs (and that’s pretty much a lot of folks out there) you really should know the differences between film and digital. There are the obvious differences but Photopreneur goes on to explain some other very important differences like:

  1. The differences between saving in JPEG and RAW.
  2. Why sensor size matters.
  3. Did you know that commercial photography has extremely high quality demands that may prohibit hobbyists.
  4. Few digital cameras can compete with the resolution of digital cameras.
  5. Numbers 3 and 4 are likely why…Many leading photographers still shoot on film.
  6. You can’t have too much resolution.
  7. How come the number of megapixels listed for your camera isn’t really the number of megapixels in your camera?
  8. Keep in mind that megabytes are not the same thing as megpixels.
Jump on over to Photopreneur to read the complete article. It’s a very good read.

While visiting I ran across the following links:

Infotrends says 89% of Pro Photographers are “Digital”

According to a recent InfoTrends survey of over 1,000 professional photographers across specialties, the increased use of digital photography is leading to new opportunities in the imaging industry. It’s no surprise that the percentage of total digital images captured by pros has grown from 82% in 2006 to 89% in 2007; however, a pronounced increase in the number of digital images captured per week by the average pro suggests that software, service, and printing solution providers are likely to benefit in the long run. [Read the rest of the article.]

 Women Spend More Time in Photoshop Than Men?

According to wakoopa, a software use tracking application and web site, the most used software (among people who registered and downloaded the tracking app) was Firefox which was used by 8905 people for 102,859 hours in the tracking period. Photoshop CS3 was used by 3869 people for a total of 23,234 hours. And, according to TechCrunch, wakoopa shows that Tuesday is the day that users play games the least while women spend about twice the time in Photoshop than men. It’s not clear whether men work faster than women or that men aren’t as graphically inclined than women (seriously, we’re not making any judgments on this, we’re just reporting what the numbers are). [Read the rest of the article.]

Is Digital Forcing Out Photography’s Roots?

… in the name of digital, the art of photography is undergoing a revolution.

As the techniques formed in the wet lab darkroom are translated into computer applications like Photoshop, can that sacred space, the darkroom, survive?

It’s not looking good if you consider the movement of college education. The new consolidated Colorado Mountain College in Breckenridge, set to break ground by April 2009, will not include a darkroom. [Read the rest of the article.]

Each of these should generate some great discussion.


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  • thebail: Reblogged this on Underwater Ap
  • Veronica Lynne: Did you use it? It's RODEO time! That might make a good pic for the fb page to.
  • Veronica Lynne: Certainly. I am flattered. Just give credit--ChromaticSoul Photos. Also, I would love to see how you use it. The rodei is this weekend! Veronica Lynn