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This movie extract is from  Adobe Photoshop CS4 for Photographers: The Ultimate Workshop.

Here is an interesting challenge that I was presented with recently. I shot the model shown above for an advertising job and was asked by the client to make sure that the skin tone and nails looked flawless. After they had seen the initial retouch work they also asked if I could clean up the hair outline. At first it looked like this would be impossible to achieve. After all, how on earth can one use the clone stamp or healing brush to tidy up the fine hair strands against a background which consisted of a busy wallpaper pattern? As it turned out, the solution to this problem was staring me in the face! [via Photoshop News]

Read the rest of the article.

I’ve been amazed at some of the new things that can be accomplished with Lightroom 2.0. The latest upgrade is well worth it’s money. Here’s a video tutorial on selective coloring in Lightroom 2.0 by Kelly Anne Martin. [via dPS]

I love the Lightroom presents that Matt provides over on Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips. I recentlydownloaded the graduated filter preset and in using it I have come across some photos where it just doesn’t seem to work. It either highlights or darkens part of the photo I don’t want manipulated. Today I found this video where Matt shows viewers how to erase the parts that you don’t want.

Here’s another video straight from the request lines. Recently I’ve heard a lot of chatter around erasing areas that the Graduated filter affected, that you may not have wanted it to affect. For example, plenty of my horizons also have a mountain, tree, or some other object that I don’t want a graduated filter to interact with. In this video I’ll show you how you can bring those areas back and “erase” (well kind of) the effects of the Graduated filter. [via Adobe Photoshop Lightroom Killer Tips]

Check it out.

a mixed-media installation
photographs, audio, & video
by Michael David Murphy from the 2008
Presidential Campaign, opens at Opal Gallery
in Atlanta, GA, on November 1st, 2008, @ 6pm.

This exhibition will be viewable through November 7th,
with an Election Night Party on Tuesday, November, 4th.

In this 15-minute video just released by the TED Conferences in Monterey, California, the photo director for National Geographic, David Griffin, talks about the power of photography to go beyond the usual, to connect us to scattered parts of our world. In a talk filled with spectacular images of nature, he demonstrates how using photos helps to tell stories that would never have the same impact with words alone. [via LensCulture]