ChromaticSoul :: The Blog

Archive for July 2007

I just saw this posting about a photowalk in Santa Monica, California. It made me think of two things:

  1. Man I wish I could go. Santa Monica is about 90 minutes south of Bakersfield (where I live) and I’m still waiting on my new grandbaby. I’m afraid if I leave town that baby will for sure decide to make her entrance…without me. So, I’m sticking close to home.
  2. Photowalk!? I didn’t know there was such a thing. If this is just an example, there must surely be more.

So I began searching. First there is a definition of what a Photowalk is. According to

Some time back, Robert Scoble, of The ScobleShow, and Thomas Hawk, of, started photowalking. A genre was born.

Additionally, I discovered that should you find yourself in an unknown town, state, or even country, you can request a photowalk with local residents in order to learn of and photograph some of the more interesting parts of your trip.

For a list of upcoming photography events check out Many photowalks all over the world seem to get posted here. You should also check out the podcast on photowalking on Photografr

Finally, before you leave, you might want to check out the Digital Photography School‘s 10 Tips For A Great Photowalk.

This just in:

Ingmar Bergman, the “poet with the camera” who was one of the greatest directors in motion picture history, died Monday at the age of 89, Swedish news media have reported (via International Herald Tribune).

Over on Conscientious, Joerg shares Thoughts on Panoramas. A thought-provoking read.

While working on my most recent Personal Favourites post, I spent some time thinking about photographic formats again – a topic that does not get a lot of attention and that typically only comes up in the (unfortunate) form of print sizes. Of course, size is just one aspect, the other one is the aspect ratio. Ignoring diptychs or spherical exposures, rectangular images are most common, with the two extremes (width and height equal [a square] and width much larger than height [a panorama]) being somewhat rare. The latter extreme, the panorama, seems most unusual, and of all the formats it might be the one hardest to work with (via Conscientious).


It lasts an entire 3-day weekend. Just three days out of the year. I was at the Gilroy Garlic Festival yesterday in Gilroy, California. What a day. I’ve never seen or even heard of so many uses for garlic. In case you’re wondering, yes I did try the garlic ice-cream. When in Rome… Well, I tried it and you know what, it was like eating vanilla ice-cream with a really strong aftertaste that lingered on your palette afterwards. But then, almost anything I ate lingered. =)


These guys were awesome to watch. The Pyro Chefs of the Gilroy Garlic Festival. You can read more about them here.


Yep, I’m going to be one of the first ones in the gate. This is my first time to visit the annual Gilroy Garlic Festival.