ChromaticSoul :: The Blog

Posts Tagged ‘blogging

dPS has an article offering ten reasons for why you might want to set up a photoblog.

Briefly (you’ll have to read the article for the full detail) they are:

  1. Motivation
  2. Progress
  3. Feedback
  4. Marketing
  5. Publicity
  6. Relationships
  7. Announcements
  8. Networking
  9. Testimonials
  10. Fun

If you don’t already have a photoblog and after reading this article you decide to go out and create one, you may want to read this follow-up article on ten things to consider when building your photoblog. [again via dPS]

Briefly those things include:

  1. Keep it fresh
  2. Link to other blogs and photographers
  3. Be respectful
  4. Keep it real
  5. Keep it simple
  6. Use large images
  7. Watermark your images
  8. Chill
  9. Know your numbers
  10. ?

Keep in mind that these are suggestions; things to consider. Everyone has their own priorities and considerations. While my list of priorities may differ from yours and some of these things may seem more important than others, they are all worth noting and reading over. Enjoy.

Here they are according to the Wall Street Journal:

  1. The Gawker Properties: $150 million
  2. MacRumors: $85 million
  3. Huffington Post: $70 million
  4. PerezHilton: $48 million
  5. TechCrunch: $36 million
  6. (tied): Ars Technica $15 million
  7. (tied): Seeking Alpha $15 million
  8. (tied): Drudge Report $10 million
  9. (tied): Mashable $10 million
  10. GigaOm: $8.4 million
  11. Boing Boing: $8 million
  12. Silicon Alley Insider: $5.4 million
  13. ReadWriteWeb: $5 million
  14. $3.5 million
  15. (tied) Search Engine Land: $2.7 million
  16. (tied) Smashing Magazine: $2.7 million
  17. DListed: $2 million
  18. Daily Blog Tips: $1.8 million
  19. (tied) Techdirt: $1.5 million
  20. (tied): Neatorama: $1.5 million
  21. (tied): BuddyTV $1 million
  22. (tied):The Superficial $1 million
  23. Talking Points Memo: $860,000
  24. Travelpod
  25. 24/7 Wall St.: N/A

Not a photography site in the bunch.


Are there only 5?

Well, regardless of how many obstacles or barriers you encounter, Skelliwag wants to help you out.

If you’ve been wondering why your blog or website hasn’t been growing as quickly or steadily as you hoped, you might be encountering one (or more) of the five barriers to success.

In brief, the 5 barriers and their links (for an indepth discussion of each) are:

  1. Lack of Significance — For readers to link, comment or vote for your content it needs to invoke a strong reaction in readers — in other words, it needs to be significant to them.
  2. Lack of Entry Points — Visitors can’t reach your blog without an entry point. There are only three types of entry points: (a) Links; (b) Search engines; and (c) Social media.
  3. The Absence of Definition — If you’re writing for people rather than on topics, you’re forced to think about who you’re writing for, what interests them, what their needs are and how you can be useful. If you’re writing about topics alone without considering the context, there’s no compass to follow.
  4. Perception is Everything — A blog that looks and feels unread and unremarkable will often become one. A website that looks slick and popular will often go on to become well-known, even if it’s not highly trafficked in the beginning.
  5. Blogging Without Examination — You’ll never be able to affect change if you don’t realize change is needed. You can’t realize change is needed unless you take the time to think, examine and evaluate.

Brian Auer has some good advise on both of these topics. With Epic Edits about to celebrate it’s first year anniversary and thousands of visitors who better to get advise from?

There are five basic categories he discusses:

  1. Time
  2. Content
  3. Networking
  4. Social Media, and
  5. Promoting Other

It’s a good read as he approaches each of these categories from the perspective of a blogger and the perspective of a photographer. Thank you Brian.

Be sure to also check out the link he provides to “How to Get 1,050 Subscribers in Three Months.”


Good information from David Ziser.

For me, the “blogsphere” is about Information and Inspiration. As I find the good ones, I revisit them for just that reason. ‘Nuff said – recently over at that they posted a link to 83 blogs covering many aspects of photography, art, multimedia and journalism. Here is the Magnum link right here. Pick and choose your favs, gather some new information, become inspired and enjoy the experience.

Yea, we’re all busy and it takes time, so maybe you’ll want to try using the Google Reader like I do. That way you can stay up-to-date and pick and choose through the list of blogs that you like.


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  • thebail: Reblogged this on Underwater Ap
  • Veronica Lynne: Did you use it? It's RODEO time! That might make a good pic for the fb page to.
  • Veronica Lynne: Certainly. I am flattered. Just give credit--ChromaticSoul Photos. Also, I would love to see how you use it. The rodei is this weekend! Veronica Lynn