ChromaticSoul :: The Blog


Hi! I’m Veronica Lynne. I created this blog as a place for me to find my feeds and links to other places that I frequent. Then I thought, “What the heck, other photographers might also be interested in some of these same sights and news items” and thus came to be ChromaticSoulBlog.

I am the photographic artist for ChromaticSoul Photos, which has it’s own website located here. I enjoy portrait photography; especially when I have the freedom to use documentary-style portraiture. I enjoy spending time with people capturing moments when they least expect it and are free to be themselves. However, my first love is nature photography. I love to go out and snap photos of objects and scenes that evoke some emotion in me. I don’t judge the photo or the emotion as “good” or “bad”. I just enjoy capturing the moment. I believe a photo is a snapshot in time capturing the art of life as it is/was at a particular point in time and will never be again. Therefore, every photo we take is a one-of-a kind. My passion is viewing life through the lens and capturing those “moments of time” while remaining in the present.