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Archive for the ‘fine art’ Category

Annie Deakin, acting editor of mydeco addresses a very important question: Is the Internet a help or a hindrance to the art world.

Traditionalists abhor that we buy paintings without seeing them in the flesh. Will Ramsay, founder of Will’s Art Warehouse and the Affordable Art Fair (23-26 October) says, “Buying art is touchy feely. You need it to be 3-dimensional and in the right light. You can’t get that on a screen.

It’s controversial stuff for a man who runs a website selling art. “Well?” he backtracks laughing when I probe. “Online art works because you don’t need to venture into a gallery. People dislike walking into a silent, wooden floored gallery where you feel self-conscious. But if you buy art online, you need the ability to send a picture back if you don’t like it.” One in ten of Ramsay’s paintings bought online are returned. Fairs like Frieze initiate the unfamiliar to the often patronising art world. Earlier this month, I scribbled notes of artists I admired (Rosie James, Michele Del Campo) at Art London to later investigate – and self-assuredly buy from – online. The web is a springboard to art rather than a medium in its own right. [via The Independent]

Read the rest of the article.

A great post by Edward Winkleman:

In summary then, I feel the advantages (today at least, and not considering the personal relationship an artist might have with any given dealer) of working with a gallery include:

  • Greater chance at receiving significant critical response
  • Bigger market than any artist might be able to get on their own
  • Context for solo exhibitions
  • Ongoing dialog that supports their work
  • Greater likelihood of entering museum collections

The disadvantages (again leaving out inter-personal relationship issues) include:

  • Getting the g*ddam gallery to work with you in the first place
  • Sharing the proceeds of sales
  • Being locked into a less-than-desirable situation possibly
  • Being ripped off possibly
  • Having your work misrepresented possibly

Click here to read the entire article.

Let’s face it, if you’re in the photography business for business, you want people to see your work. While you could refer a lot of people to visit your website and generate business that way, remember what people see on the screen really doesn’t reflect the real work of art. In order to accomplish that, you need to show your art in an art gallery. How do you do that? Once again, HyperPhocal has some suggestions.

  1. Create an Artist Statement
  2. Find Out What Galleries Display Similar Work
  3. Submit Often
  4. Infiltrate the System
  5. Go to Openings
  6. Talk to People
  7. Build Your Community
  8. Volunteer at the Gallery
  9. Get to Know the Curators

For details on each of these steps, check out HyperPhocal.


What a great opportunity if you live in the area:

Jen Bekman Gallery, the innovative and critically-acclaimed Lower East Side gallery is looking for an ambitious, sales-oriented self-starter to begin working immediately as our Assistant Director.

We are seeking someone who can take initiative, handle diverse responsibilities and challenges, and tackle tasks beyond (and sometimes beneath) their skill set. This is an amazing opportunity, so naturally we’re seeking an amazing person to fill the role; that person is experienced, independent, imaginative, inventive, and enthusiastic. S/he prefers the path less traveled, and isn’t afraid to do things differently if it means doing them better.

For more information check out Personism.

C’mon, admit it. You know you want to see some of your photos mounted and displayed but you don’t want to pay BIG money to have someone do it for you.

The answer my friend is to do it yourself. This not only is an inexpensive way to get the job done, but provides great personal satisfaction. It’s your art and you create the display yourself.

Here’s a link to an article that will walk you through the steps. Enjoy.