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Archive for the ‘photographers’ Category

On Saturday, July 24, 2010, Scott Kelby is hoping to have as many photographers possible, from around the world, simultaneously engage in a photowalk. It’s the third annual WorldWide PhotoWalk. You can get the details on You can search for a city near you to join a group or if you don’t see a walk being hosted near your city, sign up to lead one. It’s free and there are great prizes involved. The best prize is, of course, spending a Saturday with other photographers doing what you love.

Photographer Lu Guang of Beijing has won National Geographic magazine’s $30,000 photography grant to support his ongoing project about the environmental consequences of China’s rapid economic growth, the publisher announced on May 27.

Guang’s images depict dramatic scenes of industrial pollution and its ill effects on people.

Read the rest of the article on pdn.

Via pdn:

GigaPan announced today that photographer Gerald Donovan has created what it says is “the world’s largest photo.” The image, a 45-gigapixel photo of Dubai, was created with the help of Gigapan’s EPIC Pro robotic camera mount.

The photo is comprised of 4,250 pictures that took Donovan 3.5 hours to capture. He used a Canon EOS 7D and 100-400mm f/4.5-5.6 L zoom lens on the EPIC Pro mount.

If printed, the image would be the size of nearly 1,200 billboards, according to GigaPan.

To see Donovan’s full image of Dubai, click here.

We all have to start somewhere. Right? Do you recall the first time you ventured outside of your comfort zone and began snapping photos in a totally different genre. Aaron Meyers is a guest contributor over on dPS and has recently ventured outside of the comfort zone. Aaron shares with readers 8 lessons learned from a first attempt at portrait photography. Briefly those 8 items include:

  1. Keep the background simple
  2. Use objects to help relax the model
  3. Pay close attention to hands and hair
  4. Use an assistant
  5. Use a sharp, fast, large focal length lens
  6. Pay close attention to the eyes
  7. Interesting clothing
  8. Have fun

I particularly like #8. I am a firm believer that if the photographer is having fun and clearly enjoys what s/he is doing then the subject begins to relax and have fun too. For more details on any of these items visit dPS or Aaron’s website.

The Photography Blogger has 25 great seascape photos taken in Australia by Garry Schlatter. Check it out or for more go to Garry Schlatter’s website–Vision and Imagination.