ChromaticSoul :: The Blog

Posts Tagged ‘advertising

I’ve checked these out and I like them all. I can’t say one is better than the other although some have features that others don’t. thank you to Pixelated Image for the link.

Looking for a place to post a portfolio and be discovered? Here’s a short list of some very solid resources for you. None of them come cheap, and some, like Viisual, are very picky about who they list, but if you don’t try, you’ll never know, will you?

The Workbook
PDN Photoserve

Lens Culture has a very good article on just this subject. It’s called: Prejudice, Politics and Photography.


Are there only 5?

Well, regardless of how many obstacles or barriers you encounter, Skelliwag wants to help you out.

If you’ve been wondering why your blog or website hasn’t been growing as quickly or steadily as you hoped, you might be encountering one (or more) of the five barriers to success.

In brief, the 5 barriers and their links (for an indepth discussion of each) are:

  1. Lack of Significance — For readers to link, comment or vote for your content it needs to invoke a strong reaction in readers — in other words, it needs to be significant to them.
  2. Lack of Entry Points — Visitors can’t reach your blog without an entry point. There are only three types of entry points: (a) Links; (b) Search engines; and (c) Social media.
  3. The Absence of Definition — If you’re writing for people rather than on topics, you’re forced to think about who you’re writing for, what interests them, what their needs are and how you can be useful. If you’re writing about topics alone without considering the context, there’s no compass to follow.
  4. Perception is Everything — A blog that looks and feels unread and unremarkable will often become one. A website that looks slick and popular will often go on to become well-known, even if it’s not highly trafficked in the beginning.
  5. Blogging Without Examination — You’ll never be able to affect change if you don’t realize change is needed. You can’t realize change is needed unless you take the time to think, examine and evaluate.

Pixelated Image is running a series on Self-Promotion for Photographers. This is a must read for all photographers. It’s both entertaining and informing.

The series began with Identity.

I’m assuming that you’ve by-passed or passed-through the stage wherein you tell everyone you shoot everything for any budget. If you haven’t; if you’re right now face to face with that monster, kick it in the shins and run the other way. I’m sure there are people out there who shoot anything that moves and multiple frames (in macro) of everything that doesn’t. But you do not want to be one of those people unless this is just a hobby for you. If you want to do this and be successful you MUST specialize or have the appearance of specializing. (Read more)

Part 2 in the series is a discussion of the Four Pillars–Creativity, Congruency, Consistency and Commitment.

Part 3 is a discussion of Your Website.

On Monday, there is the promise of Part 4–Marketing Material so if you like the first three you’ll want to check back.

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  • thebail: Reblogged this on Underwater Ap
  • Veronica Lynne: Did you use it? It's RODEO time! That might make a good pic for the fb page to.
  • Veronica Lynne: Certainly. I am flattered. Just give credit--ChromaticSoul Photos. Also, I would love to see how you use it. The rodei is this weekend! Veronica Lynn