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Posts Tagged ‘photographers

A Photo Editor has done good work of finding new photographer sites. First is Albert Watson.

Albert Watson has a new website (here) at least I think it’s fairly new, last time I checked was a year ago when I tried to hire him and felt like a fool for leaving urgent messages for a very last minute cover, then of course when I finally got his wife on the phone he’s in Europe for a month and booked on jobs as far as the eye can see. Nevertheless Jodi @ RS told me he’s an incredible sweet-heart and still works harder then an art school grad on their first assignment so I thought what the hell I’ll see if he’s up for it. The first portfolio on the website has 186 images in it. Not recommended that any art school grads try and pull that off.

The other photographer site he talks about is Sheila Metzner.

Hey, it Looks like Sheila Metzner’s got a new website (here) as well, complete with music and slideshows (Caution: If you’re at work make sure the volume is down) so I think it’s safe to say we have a genuine trend here (ok, maybe it started a year ago, I haven’t been keeping up with Sheila and Albert).

It think this is partially about building a fan base and mostly about taking control of your content. All the legendary photographers have content floating around the internet and there needs to be a place to link everything back.

Both artists have very different styles. Metzner’s work is much more surreal and has a “fine art” quality to it as though many of the photographs could have been painted. They all have a soft focus and contrast to them. While Watson’s work is much more crisp, clear and daring. I can see emotion in both but the emotion is very different.

Thank you Photo Editor for the links. 

Photo Business News has a great article called, Moms With Cameras. Not only was the article good, I found some great links in it. The article talks about how “josephine blow” with a camera creates some sort of competition for the professional photographer. I’m not certain I agree with this outlook, but here’s a peek:

One of the many problems for photographers is how those who couldn’t care less about the business of photography do damage to the business of photography. Often, these are people who have other jobs that pay the bills, and they look to photo credit to give them pleasure, acclaim, and notoriety, getting their satisfaction at the expense — literally — of those who earn a living making pictures. Many times, these are “moms with cameras”, or MWCs. [via Photo Business News]

What I liked most about the article is the next point made and the links that come from that point:

What I’d like to highlight today is something different. It’s a MWC who is endeavoring to do things right. [via Photo Business News]

The two links you might want to check out are:

It’s not exactly photography-related, but then that’s the beauty of it being my blog…I can deviate as I choose.

Actually I found the TIME Magazine article via A Photo Editor who was suddenly outraged to discover that according to the poll, photographers are a rather “unhappy” bunch of people.

…Not only does this study claim photographers are not happy it also reveals that most of the other unhappy occupations are all unskilled laborers. I find this very hard to believe and my only explanation is that the survey was somehow flawed and included people who don’t make a living as a photographer. I certainly can believe that you’re unhappy if you don’t make a living doing your job.My only other thought on this is that photographers lie about their occupation….

The TIME Magazine article in its entirety however is somewhat interesting.

…At some point today you will say a prayer, not floss, take a shower for 10 minutes but not sing in it, drive an eight-year-old car to work, spend 95% of the day indoors and 21⁄2 hours online, consume 20 teaspoons of added sugar and not save any money. On weekends, people over 75 spend 11⁄2 hours reading, while those from 15 to 19 spend seven minutes. On Thanksgiving, 88% will eat turkey; most Americans prefer the white meat; the rest of the world, the dark. The average family has more televisions than people—but we spend about the same amount of time watching them as we did 40 years ago.

In addition to the poll on Job Happiness you can also see charts on Commuting, How you spend your Time and Money, and America’s Annual Alcohol Consumption.

What an awsome concept.

What simplicity.

What beauty.

If you haven’t seen the work of Gitl Braun yet, you really should check it out. She was highlighted on ephotozine earlier this summer.