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Posts Tagged ‘obama

The Associated Press says it believes the photo that inspired artist Shepard Fairey’s celebrated “Hope” poster of Barack Obama is AP property, and Fairey is guilty of infringement. The AP is in talks with Fairey’s attorney.

“The Associated Press has determined that the photograph used in the poster is an AP photo and that its use required permission,” AP spokesperson Paul Colford said in a written statement issued February 4. “AP safeguards its assets and looks at these events on a case-by-case basis. We have reached out to Mr. Fairey’s attorney and are in discussions. We hope for an amicable solution.”

Earlier this year, bloggers identified the source photograph as an AP photo shot by photographer Mannie Garcia in 2006. Garcia is no longer with the AP. [via PDN]

Read the rest of the story.

I can’t verify the accuracy of this, but I have looked at it and you can too. Barack Obama’s Flickr Photostream.

  • It’s his photo.
  • It seems like an accurate profile.
  • There are almost 3000 photos.
  • He has over 7000 contacts.
  • He has so many testimonials I didn’t count them.
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Here’s an alltime low for society.

I won’t claim to be up on every scurrilous low to which the U.S. media have descended during Campaign 2008, but one Israeli newspaper and its affiliate site have fallen to a new low with the publication of what is likely the note Barack Obama placed into the cracks of the Western Wall during his recent visit to Israel.

In a tightly packed schedule, Obama hit all the Israeli high spots, capping it off with a pre-dawn visit to Jerusalem’s Western Wall. As is traditional among visitors (Jewish and Gentile alike), Obama placed a handwritten note in the cracks between the massive stones laid in the days of Herod the Great.

These notes are believed to provide a direct line of communication with the Almighty, and hundreds are placed every day by people seeking comfort, healing, and other support. They are periodically cleaned and placed in traditional Jewish document burial vaults. Jewish tradition prohibits desecration of God’s name on documents through burning, tearing or other forms of destruction. [via Poynter Online]

The rest of the story can be found on their website.

Sometimes “photoshopping” can go a bit too far. Take the example below provided via Photoshop News: