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Archive for the ‘blogging’ Category

JPG is seeking submissions for their Issue #26. The themes are:

Urban: Cities can be crowded, dirty, overwhelming places. Ain’t it great? Post your favorite photo of a gritty, urban experience.



1. an act or instance of placing close together or side by side, esp. for comparison or contrast.

2. the state of being close together or side by side.

With those definitions as your guide, give us your best juxtaposition photo!

p.s. NO DIPTYCHS PLEASE! The true challenge of this theme is to achieve juxtaposition in a SINGLE photo. Thanks!

Social Circles: For this theme, study the many social circles that make up our world. While you may decide to document your own social network, make sure to also consider looking at the many other groups that are around you. Wherever you decide to focus your camera, try capturing what ties that particular social circle together or what distinguishes them from others.

I love gadgets. I really like to try out new technology and find out if it really can improve quality, decrease time, or is it just a fine gadget to have. Well Epic Edits has generated a list of Must Have Online Tools for Professional Photographers. That list includes:

  1. The Library of Congress
  2. Getty Images
  3. Sports Shooter
  4. Photography Blog
  5. Photojojo
  6. Digital Photography Review
  8. Smugmug
  9. Photo.Net
  10. Digital Photography Magazine

How many of these do you have? If you are wondering why these are important tools for photographers read the complete article here.

Thomas Hawk has been documenting how to get your photos viewed over on Flickr.
In 2006 he had these suggestions:

  1. Take great pictures
  2. You get one shot a day
  3. Interestingness
  4. Fav lots of photos
  5. When you post counts
  6. Blog your photos
  7. Tell everyone you know about Flickr
  8. Post your photos to lots of groups
  9. Reciprocate everyone who makes you a contact
  10. Tag your photos religiously

In 2008 he made the following changes:

  1. Take great pictures (same as #1 in 2006)
  2. The order you post your photos to Flickr counts (similar to #5 in 2006)
  3. Consider places outside of Flickr to promote your photography (similar to #6 in 2006)
  4. Do you have your settings on Flickr configured for maximum exposure
  5. Explore
  6. Groups (same as #8 in 2006)
  7. Tag for exploration (same as #10 in 2006)
  8. Geotag
  9. Consider creating a few “best of” sets and feature them prominently on your Flickrstream
  10. Tell Everyone you know about your Flickrstream (same as #7 in 2006)

Now in 2010 he has even more changes:

  1. The order that you publish your photos in matters — a lot (same as #2 in 2008
  2. Explore (same as #5 in 2008)
  3. Promote your photos outside of Flickr (same as #3 in 2008)
  4. Avoid watermarking, small-sized low-res photos, frames and other gimmicky crap
  5. Mooooooooooooo (Moo cards.)
  6. Groups (same as #6 in 2008)
  7. Fave it forward (similar to #4 in 2006)
  8. Tag for discovery (similar to #7 in 2008)
  9. Are you allowing the search engines to index your photos? (similar to #4 in 2008)
  10. Certain subjects just seem to garner more attention.

I find it interesting how some items change over time. Obviously with the changes in technology and the advances in Flickr there will be more that photographers can do online (i.e. geotagging). Read the articles for each year to gain a more indepth understanding of the tips that Thomas Hawk is speaking of and then get on over to Flickr and start having fun.

Covering breaking news immediately with small or shrinking staffs can be difficult at any organization.

That was, until now.

Matthew Stoff of The (Nacogdoches) Daily Sentinel shared an excellent Twitter breaking news widget tutorial (including the code needed) that he and Lead Developer David Durrett created.

In an e-mail interview, Stoff said they have been using the tool since January, “The reporters were excited because it meant no longer relying on Web staff to publish up-to-the minute headlines, which, for us, is a process that is slower than we’d like. As a result, we’ve been much more flexible about getting intermittent updates published quickly. I’m referring to new facts that don’t warrant an entire rewrite by themselves, but help to flesh out a breaking news incident.” [via Poynter Online]

Read the rest of the story.

The microblogging social media site, Twitter is a great way to keep up on what’s happening in your social group as well as your industry. If you’re a photo enthusiast like us, these 20 microblogs should surely bring joy to your Twitter feed every minute of the day. [via PopPhoto]

Check out the list here.