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Posts Tagged ‘dPS

dPS has two posts that discuss composition in photography. Like all articles by dPS, this is a good tutorial. The first post is here and the second one is here. The ten elements briefly are:

  1. Pattern
  2. Symmetry
  3. Texture
  4. Depth of Field
  5. Lines
  6. Framing
  7. Perspective
  8. Space
  9. Balance
  10. Color

Read both posts for more detail on each of these pieces and it will no doubt help you to compose fantastic photos.

We all have to start somewhere. Right? Do you recall the first time you ventured outside of your comfort zone and began snapping photos in a totally different genre. Aaron Meyers is a guest contributor over on dPS and has recently ventured outside of the comfort zone. Aaron shares with readers 8 lessons learned from a first attempt at portrait photography. Briefly those 8 items include:

  1. Keep the background simple
  2. Use objects to help relax the model
  3. Pay close attention to hands and hair
  4. Use an assistant
  5. Use a sharp, fast, large focal length lens
  6. Pay close attention to the eyes
  7. Interesting clothing
  8. Have fun

I particularly like #8. I am a firm believer that if the photographer is having fun and clearly enjoys what s/he is doing then the subject begins to relax and have fun too. For more details on any of these items visit dPS or Aaron’s website.

Every year many attempt what seems like a daunting task–Photo a Day (PAD) or Photo 365. The idea is to take a photo each and every day for a year. I personally have attempted such projects for groups on Flickr. It starts out well, just like any New Year’s resolution. Unfortunately, there get to be obstacles and suddenly you find yourself just two to four months into it and thoughts of abandoning the idea begin to arise.

Well fear not. There is much to be learned by reviewing your photography after a year of consciously photographing each and every day. Digital Photography School shares with readers 11 Tips to Succeed With a Photo365 Project. It’s well worth the read if you are interested in such a project. Briefly the tips include:

  1. Maintain a heightened awareness
  2. Always have your camera with you
  3. There is no time like the present
  4. Train your eye to see light
  5. Don’t stay in your comfort zone
  6. Make use of weekly themes
  7. Plan ahead and write down ideas
  8. Edit and post-process every week
  9. Add notes to your photos
  10. Get into a rhythm and have fun
  11. Start today

I really like that last one. You don’t have to wait for January 1 to begin such a project–start today. Check out the article for more on each of these tips.

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I don’t know how I missed this one. Over on dPS I just learned of a photography competition where

First prize is a choice of either a Nikon D60 or a Canon XSi (pictured above). Both of these DSLRs get great reviews and are the ideal way to step into the world of DSLR. If you’ve already got a DSLR they’d make a great second body or a gift to that special person in your life! [via dPS]

The rules are pretty simple:

  1. There is one entry per person
  2. Entries can be submitted from 1 October (Noon) to 31 October (Noon) – Eastern US Time.
  3. Participants need to be over 18 years of age (sorry, I know this excludes some but if you want to get a guardian to submit for you then this is fine).
  4. Shots need to be ‘portraits’ – this is the theme for this month’s competition
  5. No nudity – please keep photos family friendly
  6. You must have copyright of the image you submit – it must be your own work.
  7. Winning photos will be published on DPS Blog
  8. You may enter from any country – we don’t exclude anyone based upon their location.
  9. Winners will be announced here on the blog and in our newsletter early November.
  10. The winner will be selected by a combination of public votes and a judging panel. The bulk of this weighting comes from the judging panel but the public vote does count so feel free to let people know about your entry. The judges will be a small panel from our moderation team of the DPS forums (update: the panel will also include a couple from outside of DPS). [via dPS]

Hurry because this contest ends October 31, 2008.


dPS is at it again. In two separate posts, they’ve outlined ten elements of composition in photography.

Instead of looking at composition as a set of ‘rules’ to follow – I view it as a set of ingredients that can be taken out of the pantry at any point and used to make a great ‘meal’ (photograph).

Alternatively I’ve often described it as a set of ‘tools’ that can be taken out of one’s compositional tool belt at any given time in the construction of a great image.

The key is to remember that in the same way as a chef rarely uses all the ingredients at their disposal in any dish – that a photographer rarely uses all of the ingredients of composition in the making of an image. [via dPS]

In the first post you will learn about pattern, symmetry, texture, depth of field, and lines.

In the second post you will learn about framing, perspective, space, balance, and color.

If I were you I would highlight, bookmark or favorite these posts. When you feel like your photography is getting a little “boring” take a look and refresh your memory on some good ideas for changing up your photos.