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Posts Tagged ‘hdr

Watch Matt Kloskowski in a video that shows you how to complete an HDR photo using Photoshop.

If you spend any amount of time online you’re likely to have been exposed to the work of Trey Ratcliff, who is also known as Stuck In Customs. Having developed a unique approach and style of HDR he’s developed a rabid following, resulting in his work being viewed over 16 million times on Flickr. Trey has a wealth of knowledge to share in regard to his well received approach to using HDR and he’s been kind enough to take part in this weeks “3 Minutes with…” [via dps]

Read the rest of the story and the interview here.

I came across some truly remarkable photography today. The photographer is Trey Ratcliff and his work can be found at

One of the first things you’ll notice is likely the size of his photos. I think just about every photo is over 1000px wide. It truly is online art. As you scroll through some of the photos you’ll soon notice another beautiful thing–HDR. This is not your usual HDR. Photos don’t have that “comic” look to them. Instead they truly bring focus to the high dynamic ranges in a photograph. Even better, Trey gladly shares his technique for achieving this kind of HDR through a tutorial.

Trey prefers Nikon to Canon and Mac to Windows. He makes this clear on a couple of his pages. But don’t let that stop you from checking out his fantastic work.